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37 Awesome Christmas Card Ideas You Should Steal

Give everyone you know something they’ll be proud to display on the mantle.

1. If you want to show your parents how much you love college.

If you want to show your parents how much you love college.

2. If you still live in a dorm.

If you still live in a dorm.

Or frat house, rather.

3. If you’re feeling poor.

If you're feeling poor.

4. If you’re a jazzy single.

If you're a jazzy single.

5. If you’re single with dog.

If you're single with dog.

7. If you have a single friend who’s the butt of every joke.

If you have a single friend who's the butt of every joke.

8. If you’re married with dog.

If you're married with dog.

9. If you’re single with cat.

If you're single with cat.

10. If you ARE a cat.

If you ARE a cat.